
Be ye perfect
— Jesus


I perfect. I love this word - To perfect something is an ongoing process and at the same time, perfect seems so final. I truly feel that my life is perfect - Everything falls togethers so neatly, and I am always doing what I love. I am perfecting the art of living in the moment - and each moment is perfect. While I am seeking to better my mind, and body, and spirit - I simultaneously, can sing of perfection: I am exactly enough; I have exactly enough, and I am exactly where I need to be.


Bullet Journaling connection.



  • Do you have more positive of negative connotations of the word perfect?

  • Do you seek to perfect your life?

  • Do you feel that you have a perfect life?

  • What can I learn from perfect?



I am grateful for the perfection of this moment - and the next - and the next. I am grateful that where I am now, at this moment, is exactly where I need to be. I am exactly that who I am now, at this moment, is exactly who I need to be. I am thankful that I am living the life I love, and it is a perfect life. I am thankful for my perfect mind, my perfect body, my perfect energy. I am thankful for my perfect relationships and this perfect Earth.



Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day! Please leave a comment below. I would like to know your thoughts on this word: perfect. Love and Light ~ Namaste!



