
From the glow of enthusiasm I let the melody escape.
— Ludwig van Beethoven


I glow. I live the life I love, and I radiate happiness. As I cultivate peace, harmony, love, and joy within, I radiate peace, harmony, love, and joy. These high frequency energies emit light causing a glow. Glowing is connected to a chosen mindful way of living. Glowing is a practice. Radiating is an art I am perfecting!

I mindfully welcome these high frequency energies. my health improves. The way I move and look changes. When I I radiate health; I reverberate the deep stillness of peace; I glow.

Tony Robins says “Where attention goes, energy flows.” I agree and see that the reverse is also true: energy flows, where the mind goes. I think positive thoughts, and positive thoughts flow to me. I breathe and free myself of worry and doubt. I inhale and exhale, and stress melts away from me. Negativity vanishes and all that is left is a shimmering. I smile. My face reflects this peaceful, happy state. Even when I am writing this, I feel my glow rising. I woke a bit tired and low. My face felt old. My eyes lacked sparkle. But thinking about glowing has my skin shining now. This is not some super power - you can do it too. Thinking these thoughts and writing them has warmed up my energies, filled out my face, softened my cheeks, and brightened my eyes. I am now positively radiant!

I meditate daily. I have a vast inner sanctuary. I am loved and secure. From this depth of being, I am radiant; I glow. From my toes to the top of my head - I vibrate at a high frequency - My thoughts are pure and my aura is clear. I am at one with the universe. I am happy. You can read the signs on my skin. I am overjoyed - I am tickled pink and then - golden.

My body is and is in balance. My diet is nourishing. The thoughts I think and food I eat nourish me. They are best skin foods; they nourish from within. I am healthy. I live a life of health and and am aware of all that I think, say, and do. If I sense that I am falling out of alignment, I pull back in to my center - to the spark of divine love. I remember who I am and my skin glows.

Come and glow with me. Take a deep breath and think a happy thought. Stay with that thought. Accept it. You are loved. You are worthy. This is a great day - a grand day - a day to smile. A day for happiness. Cultivate it. There - there you go - you glow - we glow together!  

“Beauty is not in the face;
Beauty is a light in the heart.”

— Kahlil Gibran


Bullet Journaling connection.



  • Do you have more positive of negative connotations of the word glow?

  • Do you glow?

  • Is there anything glowing in your life?

  • What can I learn from glow?



I am so thankful for my ability to glow. I am thankful that as I cultivate positivity, joy, love, peace . . . within this all radiates out - causing me to glow.



Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day! Please leave a comment below. I would like to know your thoughts on this word: glow- Go now and glow. Love and Light ~ Namaste!



