
Tiny tweaks can lead to big changes.
— Amy Cuddy


We set goals for ourselves and wonder, “will we ever accomplish all that we want to accomplish?” With each new year - we commit to resolutions; we desire change. Sometimes we succeed and setting goals like this is good; however, at time it’s better and more effective to work not at the yearly level, but daily, and on a smaller scale, with a tweak. Tweaking over time, accumulates. Small adjusts really do make a difference. Just think of the Grand Canyon.

Personally, I tweak a variety of activities. I tweak my morning routine and my evening routine. I tweak the way that I communicate with others. I tweak the way I eat and what I eat - my patterns of sleep, and exercise. I tweak the way I go about growing my greens. I tweak the lessons I teach so as they are more relevant. Of all, my way of thinking has probably been my most important adjustment. Yes, I have discovered that mindset is probably the most important simple tweak that can be tweaked. I move my focus from what I can’t do to what I can do - from what I don’t have to celebrating what I do have - and my world enlarges. I reside in the same place - but it’s so very different and all because of my tweak in perspective. And so - tweaking works - how is it done?

Tweaking is easy. Start with this positive thought - “I am good at what I do.” Yes, begin by thinking of all the numerous activities that you do do well. Then, scan the activity for any area that could use a small adjustment and in doing so— move from good to better.

I continually making small things and each day, I become a better version of myself. I tweak - and change happens.


Bullet Journaling connection.



  • Do you have more positive of negative connotations of the word tweak?

  • Do you make plans to tweak, or does tweaking just happen in your life?

  • What is it that you would like to tweak today?

  • Do you tweak from your heart?

  • What can I learn from tweak?



I am so thankful for my ability to tweak. I am thankful that I am am to make small adjustments in the things I create. I am grateful also that as I process information, I have the ability to tweak.



Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day! Please leave a comment below. I would like to know your thoughts on this word: tweak- May you tweak something today and be happy. Love and Light ~ Namaste!



